In Meridian Idaho, a new and innovative building is being commissioned as a “small” alternative. The Meridian Library District is creating a new Tiny Library by way a used 20 foot shipping container. Plans for the new unit include windows, a front door and a roll up window on the end. These are adjustments that are going to be made on-site as the container has been moved to its’ new home.
Not every company can make customizations like that. Cherokee West’s one trip units can be customized before they’re even shipped- cutting down on valuable building time and money. Making the functionality of things like a Tiny library both cost-effective and more building efficient.
The Tiny Library in Meridian is designed specifically for early literacy, setting their sights on ages 5 and under. The Community’s Recycling Fund donated a grant for the Tiny Library to be commissioned. Because it is built from a re-purposed shipping container, it makes the library portable. This is great news for a community that is looking to expand their libraries within the area.
Once a budget for a new full library is approved and the job commissioned, the Tiny Library can be transported to another area in need.
“We feel like it is the exact right area,” Macey Snelson, communications and marketing specialist for the Meridian Library District, said. “Parents can walk their older kid to (Hillsdale Elementary School) and take their younger child to the library so it is a convenience rather than another location they need to try and get to.”
A Tiny Library in an underserved neighborhood is a great idea and by using a shipping container to build, its mobility and cost-effective use of space makes it ideal for use years down the road. If you are interested in a community building project like a Tiny Library, contact us and we can help you come up with pricing, delivery and even custom cutouts for any kind of building project.